Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Early Release

Well, as we expected Troy will be going home for Easter! The doctors said today that he should have never gone to Kindred and that he should have gone directly to TIRR for his therapy. TIRR is mainly for patients that are learning how to walk again...not so much for patients that are suffering from TBI (traumatic brain injury). He was to do some evalutations today and from what it looks like my mom will be driving him 4 times a week for therapy for his brain. So if there is anyone that had planned on going to see him, you should do so tomorrow. I have mixed emotions about all of this...I am ready for him to be out of the hospital and at home, but I am also worried about his recovery at home and what this is going to mean for my parents. He has his days and nights mixed up and I'm not sure how that will go with my parents...but I am sure they will work it all out. I know that all of the prayers have gotten Troy this far. We need more for a full recovery. I can't wait to see him on Saturday. I hope to have a special meal fixed for Sunday and glad that he will be with us on such a special day. For the Buzeck's I pray that you will have Louis home next Easter as we have Troy home this Easter. Tell Bonnie that we can't thank her enough, as I feel, for saving his life...or at least just being there for him. I may never get to see your family again, but I wish you all well and pray that Louis is back on his feet soon. I may not post as often from now on, but hope to post atleast weekly with some updates. Take Care and Happy Easter

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